Wednesday, August 22, 2018

first draft

The wrongs I have done are oh so powerful and come back to haunt quite often.

They take the shape of words I have spoken, actions I have made and thoughts I have and have had as well as the things I said I would do for others and didn't.

Those "wrongs"  become my focus. Whereas the good and wonderful things I have experienced are covered in the darkness of the of those wrongs (but are they wrongs?)

It's like that whirlpool you made in the pool as a kid; going round and round, carrying everything in its path in that circle, growing stronger and stronger, making it more and more difficult to stop those wrongs (are they wrongs?) from being the focus.

Someone once told me depression was like being in a cave and not being able to find their way out. An endless life of darkness and those wrongs blanketing the light and that whirlpool carrying you around faster and faster.

But what if those words and actions were not wrong (or right). What if they were just what happened then (and maybe now).

And what mattered was me and you and now. Realizing that elation and sadness worked together and to not let either rule the roost, but rather let each emotion have its time.

But, depression - you're sick, hurting - people you love are sick and hurting - you have no money - you have no money - you have no home - you have no job - you have no one to love you

REALITIES for sure and cause to be sad, to be caught in that whirlpool, lost in the cave.

The sadness can be overpowering which brings us to the word of the day actually a word for many days and really a word for all days - CONFIDENCE

Doesn't CONFIDENCE mean to believe?

I ask you to believe
Believe in Yourself
Believe in Love
Believe in Others
Believe in Mercy
Believe in Kindness
Don't ever stop believing, not ever.

Let the hurt of the world make you stronger and KNOW it will.
That hurt and pain can help others with their hurt and pain.

Chase understanding - think about understanding and what it really is.
Seek to understand
Seek to understand others

We leave with this - Have confidence (belief) and work to gain understanding