Thursday, July 28, 2005

day one

actually this is not day one but day 15,483 of my life... and it has been a good one....being that I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world! So how are all the peeps 2day? The humidity has broken here in jersey and thank the good Lord for that 'cause I was trying to find the good in the humidity and it was hard....amybe the good was that we are blessed to have deodorant??!! hmmmm....that works. Well enjoy the day 'cross the states and the universe for that matter....there are people in space today, thoguth you might like to know that.

1 comment:

adam said...

A big welcome to the tater. I am glad to see that you have joined us in our happy little blogspot.

Humidity also cures overpopulation. Oh wait...