Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Anonymous said...

So, you can't make up your mind? Is it open or closed?

Tater_Pez said...

Oh, it's open, wide open.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, only at certain times then?!

Anonymous said...

If you open your car door at the drive thru window you can probably find some change on the ground to pay for your fries! Hunger sucks when you are poor! Did you know that the poor are more altruistic than those higher up on the economic ladder? One time I was having lunch in a terminal and a poor lady asked for a handout. The guy I was with had an ego and said you can have some of my lunch if you want, the poor lady declined. The poor cannot be picky but, they still have standards. They are human beings with feelings! Why would she want to share his germs? So the poor lady was sent on her way hungry because this guy's ego said if my germs are not good enough for her, too bad!