On Tuesday morn' fresh off the holiday weekend, while listening to the radio; it was said that this was International Enthusiasm Week. Who knew? This information sure made me enthusiastic and excited that we had a week dedicated to enthusiasm.
But then I wondered while preparing a memo for work; on where and who planned such an exciting week and with a few keystrokes and clicks I found out.
When googling International Enthusiasm Week not much really comes up. But what does come up is a short mantra as follows-
Sept 1-10 Display genuine enthusiasm to every person, every project, every possibility that comes your way. It will change your week, your month, your year, your life. For info: Carolyn Stein, PO Box 630034, Miami, FL 33163. Phone (877) 771-0772. Fax (305) 682-1416. E-mail: carolyn@carolynstein.com Web: www.carolynstein.com
So....who is Carolyn Stein, and what caused her to do this?
I mean, we can call her? Which I did, but not at 10:30 PM. I decided to wait till the next morning.
She answers, "hello"
"Carolyn?, Carolyn Stein?" I ask.
"Yes, who's this?" She replies.
I identify myself and explain my reason for calling.
Carolyn is an enthusiastic woman.
She believes the best thing we wear, is on us.
She liked that I made up Universal Smile As You Walk Day last Tuesday.
She took my email.
We talked.
We shared enthusiasms of a bigger picture.
We said good-bye.
I was enthused.
Imagine if we greeted each person, project and every single possibility that comes your way with genuine enthusiasm, all year or howabout ALL LIFE, ALL THE TIME.
genuine enthusiasm all the time
genuine enthusiasm all the time
leave it all on the floor
all the time
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