she said she was having a hard time forgiving those who had hurt her. what could i say? The man (?) she had given her virginity to and 18+ years had been having affairs and when confronted refused to stop....the relationship ended- she can't forgive him
her father was about as selfish as anyone she had ever known and he had not been so much of a father figure to her as he was a man who fathered children, she could not forgive him
her sister; causing hurt and destruction all around her. not caring about who else she hurt as she went forward. she could not forgive her, for past words and actions and for leaving----or was it running from her own demons?
how can we forgive others when we still haven't forgiven ourselves?
how can we forgive others if we judge them?
how can we understand God's love?
wake up.....die to yourself....give your heart, mind, soul & strength to God.
you will STILL see pain in this world.
you will still FEEL pain
rest can be found in God..... :)
realize the truths
realize the truths
pray for Godly wisdom!
pray, pray pray....CRY OUT for UNDERSTANDING
realize you are forgiven
you ARE forgiven
accept His love
let Him in
acknowledge Him
do not be ashamed of Him----
now look at others----
see them-
no----see them----they are no better or worse then you
love them
honor them
wash their feet
give of yourself to them
if they ask you to go 5 miles---GO 10!
love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love and when you are done spreading love----go get started.