Tuesday, January 11, 2011

take me home

Phil Collins is the type of artist that I have always loathed. He made it successful in the pop world and to me that automatically strikes you from my listening, except I secretly liked him.

In 1985 Phil put out an album called "No Jacket Required" and on it is a song that I find myself singing more times then I care to admit. No it isn't Sussido, thank God, but "Take Me Home" and I think the reason I find myself signing this is I am actually praying/speaking it to God.

I long for heaven....no crying, no dying, no pain, no more tears....yes, I believe in the good of the God, and I long for it.

Believing in Jesus and heaven is not something I do out of thinking I am imperfect or for reasons of submission; as much as having searched the world, the scholars of the world and the hearts and minds of men and womanI have found few truths of life-- God is one of them.

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30

1 comment:

Tater_Pez said...

So I explain to my lovely that "take me home", to me, states, take me home to heaven and she said I thought he was just drunk and was telling a girl he doesn't remember and wants to go home.