Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lyrical Bowie Thoughts

Some thoughts on lyrics. Please feel free to share yours.

"And he was alright the band was altogether, and he was alright the song went on forever" Lady Stardust
When we bring people together, as in a band, and we're clicking on all cylinders, running like a machine, everything is "alright" and that's when you hope the song goes on forever. 'Cause when we're all together, everything is alright,

"Come on, come on, we've really got a good thing going, Well come on, well come on if you think we're going to make better hang onto yourself"  Hang Onto Yourself
This is just a song that spells out living life in so many ways. All we have is ourselves and we had better hang onto that and that's how you make hanging onto yourself.

"I could fall asleep at night as a rock and roll star, I could fall in love alright as a rock and roll star" Star
Well....if "I could fall asleep at night as a rock and roll star." 'nuff said.

"And all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall short people, and the the nobody people, and all the somebody people, I never thought I'd need so many people"   Five Years
I don't know much about David, I've always felt he was a bit of a recluse and I understand Ziggy Stardust is a concept album, but I guess it's interesting, as stubborn as I can be, that I find more inspiration from other people, all people, than anywhere else....maybe that's what he's saying.

"Don't fake it baby, lay the real thing on me. The church of man, love is such a holy place to be. Make me baby, make me know you really care. Make me jump into the air"  Moonage Daydream
When people give you truth and by that truth there is love, well it make me jump into the air because I know you really care.

"Sailors fighting in the dance hall, Oh man! Look at those cavemen go. It's the freakiest show. Take a look at the lawman. Beating up the wrong guy. Oh man! I wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show. Is there life on Mars?  Life on Mars
The first sentences sum up our lives on earth and the last sentence is a plea for something/somewhere to be better, to be honest and to be love.

"So I turned myself to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse. Of how the others must see the faker. I'm much to fast to take that test" Changes
I've got a lot of thoughts on this one, but I'm going to let it be.

'Cause love's such an old-fashioned word. And love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night and love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves."  Under Pressure
I love how he says that love dares us to care about ourselves. I love this song and the arrangement of it.

and when all is said and fave of his lyrics could be the simply put...

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