Sunday, January 17, 2016

wood shop lessons

It was either last year or the year before on the Atlantic City Expressway that we hit a deer, or as Margaret says, a deer ran into us.
I remember the hot coffee splashing all over me during the impact and thinking it was blood.
The anxiety carried over from that accident lasted for months whenever driving at night.
Blog on the deer accident - -

Yesterday I ran a board over the joiner in the wood shop, it was a short board, to short The joiner grabbed, gouged the board while simultaneously taking the push board (used for safety), breaking it and winging it about 20" behind me.

Angry!  Nervous!! Embarrassed!!!  Yes to all of the above, but more scared than anything else.
It took me all day, night and a full nights sleep to regain some posture.

"Are you alright" was shouted from across the shop. Reaction by the shop owner and the retired wood shop school teacher that happened to be present was more reassuring than I deserved despite my self-inflicted anger and embarrassment.

Within minutes, Tommy (shop owner), made the best suggestion ever - - "first thing we need to do; repair the push block"

We worked on it together. I finished it. Made a 2nd different one and now have another in the works. 

Later in the afternoon I got back on the proverbial horse and nervously joined a few boards on both joiners (testing the new push block) and ended up calling it a day shortly thereafter. 

It was sometime in the middle of the night. 
I awoke and heard the local owl whooting followed by a baby owl (?) with a softer, gentler whoot 
It was then I realized what I had done the day before:
1. I was in a rush
2. I was running a board to small for the machine
3. I was feeling a bit overtly confident/arrogant about working in the shop of late
4. I was working under a time restriction and this did not allow me to stay focused

I don't believe in luck or coincidences. 

Now to learn from all of this. To take the experience and strengthen my core being. I also want to assess my initial reaction to this and all of this will take time, precious oh so precious time. 

Maybe therin lies the answers? 

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