Sunday, January 22, 2006

the NFL and me

I have a hard time dedicating a total of 7-8 hours of my life to the NFL today. The problem is I would really like too. I think I am going to see if the 1st game looks like it is going to be good and catch the second half in it's entirety. I really wish the Seattle/Carolina game was on first so I could get all my stuff done around the house done and then watch the game. This is why I love the 8:00 Sunday games and Monday Nite games....they start later when I can relax and watch them and not during the day when I can get other things done.
And yes, I am jaded since my team has NEVER won a Superbowl and was in the Superbowl last year but did not even make the playoffs this year....heck they did not even field a team this year and I cannot believe I made a sports post....what's the world coming too????!


Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

I really don't know what this world is coming to.. well we all know that the Lord will return and then it will be a happy occasion.. but between that i really don't know.. Otherwise.. The eagles where shot down.. Who knows why but they better step it up next year.. or i'm not gonna be a happy fan...

adam said...

Seahawks will win it all.