Sunday, April 01, 2012

facing the truth

 There is so much to learn and experience. 

"Who is my neighbor?" asked an expert in the field of law. *

A story was told, and if you should read the story, the outcome is, that everyone is your neighbor.

I awoke this morning with the lyrics of a song coursing through my brain, the lyrics were touching my heart...but I could not grasp them, what was this song, what was it telling me how, who, what, where, when?!?!?!?

further down the road i saw a man
and i asked that man, 'are you my brother now?'
he never spoke a word he just held out a hand
and i knew that i had done unto the least of these
when the Spirit spoke it said, 'come on, come on, come on, walk into your darkness my friend!' **

This morning I read from John 13 - “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Our neighbors are who we come into contact with. We should show them love, for this is how they will know. 
There really is nothing else.  

* Luke 10 
** Along the Road lyrics - Geology


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