Wednesday, May 10, 2006


for the last two days I have been taking a will be the final day of the respite and tomorrow the rains come....4-5 solid days of rain.I have spent the better part of the last 48 hours working in Shangri-La, that's right friend---PARADISE. I listened to a lot of ipod music and essentially did nothing but plants plants and move rocks around----pure bliss. Shangri-La is looking real good, in-my humble opinion. So I have been vegetating...seriously vegetating. Its been great! So great that I wish I could get a FT job vegetating!
I am going to go get ready to go out now....I s/b picking up some more granite slabs from the old LB pavillion. I may be posting my "handcuff" story now that it is in the past and I can laugh about it (trust me I laughed within 10 minutes of being uncuffed).

and as a final thought here is today's might not be what it appears to be so be careful reader....

Are all dogs black?

1 comment:

adam said...

all dogs are indeed NOT black. Only some. But such an induction could be made by some.