Tuesday, October 11, 2005

where i'm going

I will be traveling to world famous Tunbridge VT for some fall foliaging and taking advantage of some r-n-r (rock n roll). The beautiful one will be with me and we are so outta here! The bottom photo according to the ever reliable world wide web is an actual photo of Tunbridge VT. I was able to get a house at a reasonable rate and it is quite rural. Below is a link to the house on CyberRentals. http://www.cyberrentals.com/USA/Vermont/Central/vacation-house-Orange-Area/p126106.htm .
I went to the library and took out a few books...we will have no TV and we are hoping to be worshiping w/Conestoga Valley CoC on Sunday and returning to Southern New Jersey late Sun afternoon...have no fear the Eagles have a bye....not sure why a team gets two byes in a row but I guess that's what happens.

SURVIVOR IS SCHEDULED AS ALWAYS...not sure if Aryn will fry the hot peppers up. Taylor say's he is serious 'bout the guitar it might be a good time to figure out if he really wants to play on guitar nite while I am away.

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