Tuesday, October 17, 2006

look at all the lonely people where do they all come from?

The US population is @ 300 million. We hit 200 million in 1967.
The Census Bureau counts the population every 10 years. In between, it uses administrative records and surveys to estimate monthly averages for births, deaths and net immigration. The bureau has a "population clock" that estimates a birth every seven seconds, a death every 13 seconds and a new immigrant every 31 seconds. Add it together and you get one new American every 11 seconds.

Think about it for a minute...300 million people. Three-hundred million people. Of that 300 million, you are but 1. One person out of millions and millions.

what do you really hope to accomplish during your very short time here on earth?

ahhhhh world peace.....start by smiling at everyone. :)

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