Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Salsarita's or Moes'

We had heard there was a new game in town and it was called Salsarita's located in Historic Haddonfield NJ. We had tried to go on Survivor nite last week but, hey, things happen. 1st let me state this; a certain young man by the name of Adam somehow discovered Moe's a while back. When he led us to the promised land (Moe's) we agreed...it was awesome and became the next best thing to Skippy peanut butter (my fave). We have been making the faithful pilgrimage to Moe's just about every two weeks for some time now. Maybe it's the chips or the tomatillo sauce topped with REAL HOT sauce or the names of the entrees or maybe the fact that they only play music by dead people but, whatever it is, we keep coming back. Then we heard about Salsaritas from a certain young lass....namely Nawana. It was much closer then Moe's and sounded promising. We downloaded the menu checked them out on the internet and waited until the timing was right for a journey across Collingswood thru Westmont and into Historic Haddonfield.
Then it happened....we had the chance and took it. We journeyed by way of Scion XB into the "new" (???) Promised Land but, alas, it was not to be.
Chips---they were arguably some of the worst chips to be given. I am a chip man BTW, a man who loves his side of chips be it potato or tortilla...I like 'em and I like 'em stacked high. these chips were equivalent to store brand chips at best. Salsas/sides...ugh...1st nothing was HOT and we all know I like it HOT. The tomatillo sauce was like it came out of a jar...I don't know how Moe's does it but, I could make a meal out of their chips and salsas. The burrito called a "burrito" was pretty tasteless. I think Moe's stuff is FRESH, FRESH, FRESH....Salsaritas is processed yuck. The queso labeled as "cheese" was just that...melted wiz stuff...folks the list goes on and on. Spoiled? Yes, by way of Moe's. The next contender is going to have a lot more ground to make up thanks to Salsaritas.
Bottom Line: I will not be back @ Salsaritas...not even in a pinch. I know it's harsh but, that's the facts...yes Salsaritas was slightly cheaper but it was like a McDonalds on a bad day...just something to eat 'cause you have to (sorry John).

1 comment:

Tater_Pez said...

and no, the roof isn't quite finished yet....stucco this weekend.