Friday, October 03, 2008

Harvest of Praise

Harvest of Praise is an event by Pastor Greg Laurie. He has been coming to Philly for years. The admission is free and they had Jeremy Camp, Leeland & The Katinas on Fri.

Interesting note---the event is FREE and it focuses on God with some major acts and speaker and yet....I recently paid 60.00 per tix to see Santana...the face value was 110.00 per tix. Santana sold out. The Harvest event had about 10,000 people in a 30,000 seat arena.
Why do people deny God?

The event was free and obviously the muscians were not of Carlos' stature...but c'mon! Why?!

So it wasn't empty, but did I mention it was FREE?????

Go figure...seriously....God is again rejected and yet....He loves us all!

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