Friday, September 09, 2005

Planting and Harvesting

Well...this is the fruits from my 1st true harvest this has taken a long time for the plants to bear their fruit. Last nite, I picked my peppers (four varieties) and fried them up for the pizza...we had a house-full last nite and the peppers went like mad and they were nice-n-hot.
I really wish I would have planted them basil is overcrowding the peppers.

All in all is another stupendous day.....the last week or so has brought with it some of the best weather of the year....All of our lights here in Collingswood have been shining sooo bright that now we will have a different kind of harvest. I do not think that there is a better feeling then to know that someone you know and love has chosen to live a life of Christ and will stand committed to that.
It's a glorious day.....go live it.

1 comment:

adam said...

your harvest wast good.

tonight's harvest will be better.