Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well for the 2nd time in my 15, 000 plus days of existence I have met someone with my first name. He was 5. The 1st time I met someone was 2 yrs ago @ the Academy of Natural Sciences and she was 4....she could have cared less cause she was to interested in the donosaurs...can you blame her?
So heres the "q". If you could have any other 1st name......what would it be?
Anyone who picks my first name (Tate) gets an automatic 500 bonus points.
Winners to be announced tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

That is a hard one, I like my name. Although it has been on the top 50 girls name list the past few years.

I have met someone with your name once. He was three.

Tater_Pez said...

if you recall....you were with us when we met that girl @ the Academy of Natural Science...you may not have been right there...she was running with the velicaraptor ( how do you spell that?) thing.