Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well peeps it is an interesting life we lead. The keyword being "lead". I watch so many people sit thru life and not involve themselves....isn't it time for us to truly encourage each other to be the best to give that positive feedback?

Marriage is an incredible commitment. I knew when I got married that it would be for life. What a joyous celebration of life weddings are. Receptions are awesome. It's a party. I figure within the next 5 years I will probably celebrate a marriage of one of my two oldest children and my excitement can hardly contain itself. Now I am certainly not suggesting that my children run out and get point being that this celebration within my family will be a highlight of my life. My children taking another step in life.

To those who are married....may the good Lord bless you with happiness and contentment with each other. A few highlights of my evening at Andre and Aurora's wedding:

1. Watching Clarence and Vivian dance together.

2. Aurora's genuine happiness at our presence there.

3. Finding out that the DJ was a believer and him then playing praise songs that really jammed and watching so many people give their praises to Him during these songs.

4. Watching Steve, the best under 7 year old dancer perform and challenge me to a dance off (he won)

5. Seeing Andre's smile.

6. Seeing my Margaret's smile.

7. Watching so many people get out of their comfort zone and put it on the dance floor.

8. Carrying Elizabeth.

9. Meeting Vivian's dad....what a wonderful daughter he raised!!

10. being with people who, like me believe, and going to a wedding that 70% of the people there are some of my closest friends and celebrating life with Christ in tandem with them.

and the church said.....Amen!

1 comment:

adam said...

I actually went to dinner the next day with a couple from our church who were at the wedding who shall remain nameless but be recognized by the initials of their first names (S & C). As we talked over lunch they commented how much fun it all was and that the next coupla weddings they were attending were not going to be as much fun at the receptino because the people from our church weren't going to be there.

Did everyone hear that?

A party will not be as much fun because the church won't be there to make it more fun than it would be without them!!!

That is an amazing church!